Using a Fido Key for 2FA on Google

I bought a new Fido key from Yubico directly after seeing an email from Github, offering a discount for students, I decided to buy one and give it a go, shipping was quick and came after 3 days, quicker than the 7-14 specified, the key itself was $18, and after shipping and tax, came to a total of $23.28.

I received the key in an envelope attached with paper glue, It’s sturdy and strong, hard and the key image in the middle seems to be connected to the board to form a circuit when pressed.


FIDO-U2F-Security-Key-444x444 2015-11-05 17.30.31

Once I retrieved the key I logged into Google and clicked my icon at the top right of gmail, then ‘My Account>Signing in to Google>2-step Verification’ and the tab ‘Security Keys’


registering_key registering_key_done registering_key_list


And that was it!

I had to place my finger on the key to make contact, which was neat.

Thanks for reading and thanks Github Student and yubico!