Kanban Systems in Lean Manufacture

Kanban systems in business allows them to effectively manage their stock internally, essentially for businesses that require large amounts of stock, such as small parts, screws or trolley-based workstations, they will likely use a Kanban system to effectively manage their stock. A typical Kanban asset tag will have the item description, part number and sometimes will include the cost of the unit, should the business want to try to regulate the use of the item.

What is the purpose of Kanban?

  • A Kanban system ensures that employees always have access to the tools they need and JIT systems can be implemented easily.
  • A Kanban system also allows a business to measure the amount of parts that they do not use when producing a product, and may be able to go to a smaller or higher quantity when ordering.
  • The tag system can also work with a three bin system, one on the factory floor, one in the re-stock room, and one at the supplier. This ensures that the bins are always stocked.
  • This system can also link in with other elements of lean production.
  • Defective products never make it to factory floor as they would not be stocked by the stock control system.
  • Some implementations have plates with the items needed laid out so workers can simply pick up the tools they need and assemble to product without having to move or find the item.
  • Some implementations also have the production line move along at the pace of the ordered quantity, making staff work harder to keep up with the product. (usually for production lines like planes or cars)

Kanban Asset Tag

kanban card system

Some businesses use the Average cost per unit to judge their effectiveness and efficiency, as Kaizen systems recommend ‘Continuous Improvement’ the average cost per unit provides a metric for them to calculate if they are more or less efficient.

Total production costs in period / Total output in period (units) = Average cost per unit

The rise of E-commerce (electronic commerce) and M-commerce (mobile commerce) has made the re-ordering process of these parts much more accessible for a company.