Hull University Timetable to Google Calendar

EDIT: The university has removed this facility 🙁

Getting your iCal Link for your Timetable

To add your Hull University Timetable iCal feed to Google Calendar, or equivalent calendar to use on your phone or other devices copy the link below,


replacing the 201700500 with your student ID found on your lanyard.

Adding your Scientia Timetable to Google Calendar

Then open Google Calendar and click the plus symbol highlighted in red like below.

Google Calendar add timetable calendar

Then click From URL and paste your link in. It should appear almost instantly. You should then see the new calendar appear that you can then set up notifications and colors to suit your needs.

Adding your Canvas Calendar

You can also add your canvas calendar which has your deadlines on by going to this link and then adding the link in the bottom right the same way we did above, you should now have all of your calendars in one place!

Note that this does not synchronize your calendar which you may receive emails with invitations through, and you can’t because you will see this message that prevents you.

outlook cant share calendar out of network

I am not associated with Hull University, they’re good guys.