Some things are better if you do them yourself. I mainly did this project to keep a running ledger of the changes that I would need to keep track of the account balance data.
GnuCash is great, but when I export my accounts data the CSV file isn’t easily translated with power-query automatically. I decided that because I need to keep track of my transactions, this problem was best suited with a little program to calculate my net inflows and outflows using a python program, I also decided halfway through the project that I wanted to hook it up to my graphing backend, a silly idea – but a fun one to see my spends go up and down. I decided that I’d publish it here so that in the future I would find it a lot easier.
Traditionally if you wanted to export GnuCash data from CSV to PowerBi, you’d be better off using their inbuilt power query, however, I wanted to implement a ledger system, something that I don’t think can be accomplished directly in
# Extracted from here
import csv
from re import sub
from decimal import Decimal
import time
# If we only want the transactions values, set this to true and they will print to console, they do not save to accounts_out.csv!
numbersOnly = False
# Anyone thats not me will want this to be false, this is used to show the transaction data on a live graph I use for scratching around with.
smoothieChartEmulation = False
sessionCookie = "39494goodluckguessingthispartlololol213232expiresanyway"
# Leave this here so that Notepad++ and Atom auto-suggest it.
# Date,Account Name,Number,Description,Notes,Memo,Category,Type,Action,Reconcile,To With Sym,From With Sym,To Num.,From Num.,To Rate/Price,From Rate/Price
if (smoothieChartEmulation):
import requests
# Negative Numbers are bracketed when exported from GNUCash so we need to fix that for the float data type.
def convert_if_negative(number):
returnNumber = str(number)
if ("," in returnNumber):
if ("(" in returnNumber):
returnNumber = returnNumber[1:]
returnNumber = returnNumber[:-1]
returnNumber = returnNumber.replace(",", "")
returnNumber = 0 - round(float(returnNumber), 2)
returnNumber = str(returnNumber).replace(",", "")
if ("(" in returnNumber):
returnNumber = Decimal(sub(r'[^\d.]', '', returnNumber))
return (0 - round(float(returnNumber), 2))
return returnNumber
# open accounts.cvs, our exported file.
with open("accounts.csv", "r") as csvIn:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvIn)
entries = []
runningTotal = float(0)
# Save
for row in reader:
if (row["Account Name"] == ""):
runningTotal = runningTotal + float(convert_if_negative(row["To Num."]))
if (numbersOnly):
print(str(round(runningTotal, 2)))
if (smoothieChartEmulation):
payload = {'random_graph': runningTotal}
r = requests.get('', params=payload, cookies={'PHPSESSID': sessionCookie})
print(str(convert_if_negative(row["To Num."])) + " Description: "+ row["Description"] + " Account Balance: " + str(round(runningTotal, 2)))
entries.append([row["Date"],row["Description"],row["Category"],str(convert_if_negative(row["To Num."])),str(round(runningTotal, 2))])
# Save what we care about to our new csv for power BI
with open('accounts_out.csv', mode='w', newline='') as csvOut:
titles = ["Date","Description","Destination","Transaction","Account Balance"]
writer = csv.writer(csvOut, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for transaction in entries:
I used python because it’s quick to debug in Atom and I know it well. The way this snippet is used is to export an account from GnuCash, then use this program to output the final CSV to be taken in by